Package wsgiwebapi :: Module application
[frames] | no frames]

Module application

source code

Create a WSGI application providing a web API.
handle_validation_error(err) source code
make_application(urls, autodoc=None, validation_error_handler=handle_validation_error, logger=None)
Make a web application for a given set of URLs.
source code
make_server(app, bind_addr, *args, **kwargs)
Make a server for an application.
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Function Details

make_application(urls, autodoc=None, validation_error_handler=handle_validation_error, logger=None)

source code 

Make a web application for a given set of URLs.

  • urls is a dict of urls to support: keys are url components, values are either sub dictionaries, or callables.
  • logger is a callable which returns a Logger. When the application object returned is instantiated, it will call this callable, and use the returned object for logging.

FIXME - document the other parameters to this function.

make_server(app, bind_addr, *args, **kwargs)

source code 

Make a server for an application.

This uses CherryPy's standalone WSGI server. The first argument is the WSGI application to run; all subsequent arguments are passed directly to the server. The CherryPyWSGIServer is accessible as wsgiwebapi.cpwsgiserver: see the documentation in that module for calling details.

Note that you will always need to set the bind_addr parameter; this is a (host, port) tuple for TCP sockets, or a filename for UNIX sockets. The host part may be set to '' to listen on all active IPv4 interfaces (or similarly, '::' to listen on all active IPv6 interfaces).