WSGIWebAPI Reference Manual


This manual is not in any way complete - don't trust it for information yet!

Design Philosophy

WSGIWebAPI tries hard not to get in your way. The intention is that it should be possible to use only those bits of WSGIWebAPI which are useful to you, without having to know about those parts which you are not using. In addition, you shouldn't need to install dependencies for parts of WSGIWebAPI which you're not using - for example, if you're not using JSON, you don't need to have a python JSON library installed.

It should be possible to make code using WSGIWebAPI concise and clear, so we've tried to embrace the "Don't Repeat Yourself" principle. As an example, document

URI resolution

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arbitrary trailing path information is not accepted by default. If you want to accept trailing path information, you need to decorate your callable with the @pathinfo decorator.

Request objects

Response objects


WSGIWebAPI currently has no explicit support for HTTP redirects. For now, you can implement it yourself by setting the appropriate headers and returning the appropriate response code.

Returning errors

The wsgiwebapi.Response object allows the HTTP status code to be set (and knows some standard reason messages for all the standard HTTP 1.1 status codes, so you can just set the numeric code if you're happy to use the standard reason messages). This allows you to return any HTTP status code you like, to represent errors (or redirects, etc).

However, it is often convenient to be able to use exceptions to report errors. To enable this, WSGIWebAPI provides wsgiwebapi.HTTPError, which is a subclass of wsgiwebapi.Response, and also of the standard Exception class. This can be thrown, and provided with whatever status code and message body you like.

For even greater convenience, there are also some subclasses for specific error conditions:

  • wsgiwebapi.HTTPServerError: thrown to report "500 Server Error"
  • wsgiwebapi.HTTPNotFound: thrown to report a "404 Not Found" error.
  • wsgiwebapi.HTTPMethodNotAllowed: thrown to report a disallowed method. Takes the method which was requested, and a list of the allowed methods for this URL.

If your callable raises any other exception, the WSGI application will return a "500 Server Error".


WSGIWebAPI provides a set of useful decorators, to make it easy to produce certain types of API. You don't need to use any of these, but they will often make it easier to produce a clean API.

The WSGIWebAPI decorators can be applied in any order: they all operate by adding some extra properties to the API, and replacing the API method with a special wrapper which interprets these properties.

If you are using other (non WSGIWebAPI) decorators which replace the callable by a decorated callable, you need to ensure that the properties used by WSGIWebAPI are copied onto the decorated callable. If you do not do this, WSGIWebAPI will raise an exception at runtime, to ensure that inconsistent behaviour doesn't result.

Well-behaved decorators will copy the properties by default (by coping the contents of __dict__ from the original callable to the decorated callable), but it's best to use one of two approaches provided by wsgiwebapi to ensure that

  • If you are writing the decorator yourself, include a call to wsgiwebapi.copyprops at the end of the decorator: pass this the original callable, and the decorated callable, and it will copy all the appropriate properties across.

    FIXME - example.

  • If you are using an existing decorator, wrap it in the wsgiwebapi.decorate decorator (ie, pass it as an argument to this decorator). This decorator first applies the decorator it is given, and then applies wsgiwebapi.copyprops to fix up the properties.

    FIXME - example.


Restricting HTTP methods

By default, WSGIWebAPI will allow any HTTP method to be used to call your API. It is often desirable to restrict the set of methods which are allowed at a particular path. To do this, you can use the allow_method decorator. This decorator takes one or more parameters listing allowable methods. If the decorator is used multiple times, any of the methods listed in any of its invocations will be allowed:

FIXME - example

Some convenient shortcuts are available:

  • allow_GET: allow GET requests; equivalent to allow_method('GET')
  • allow_HEAD: allow HEAD requests; equivalent to allow_method('HEAD')
  • allow_GETHEAD: allow GET or HEAD requests; equivalent to allow_method('GET', 'HEAD')
  • allow_POST: allow POST requests; equivalent to allow_method('POST')

If any of these decorators have been used, and the method used is not listed, the request will return an HTTP 405 or 501 error (depending on whether the request method is one of the standard HTTP 1.1 methods), as suggested by the HTTP 1.1 specification. In this case, the callable you specified for the URL will not be called.

Query parameters

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By default, any query parameters can be supplied to a method - it is up to the method to check that they are valid.

The parameters allowed at a particular path can be specified using the "param" decorator. This performs validation of the parameters, and will raise a ValidationError if the parameters are not valid (the default validation error handler will translate this into an HTTP 400 error, but you can override this behaviour with your own handler).

This allows parameters to be taken from the query string part of the URL, or from POST request bodies (if both are specified, they are merged, and the POST ones are returned first).


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if you've decorated with the @pathinfo decorator, and also decorated with another (non-WSGIWebAPI) decorator, you may find that the method still doesn't seem to accept trailing path information. This is because ... to fix it call copyprops, or use the wsgiwebapi.decorate decorator.

JSON output

To use the JSON support, your python environment must contain the simplejson module.

Returning JSON

Often, you will want to return JSON output from an API. This can be done very simply by using the jsonreturning decorator. The return type of a method wrapped in this decorator should be an object which is capable of being converted to JSON (typically, a string, integer, or a sequence or dictionary containing strings, integers, sequences or dictionaries). The returned value will automatically be converted to JSON, and the content type will be set appropriately.

Here's an example of this decorator (which you can see in a cherrypy wrapper at examples/

import wsgiwebapi
@wsgiwebapi.param("num", 1, None, "^[0-9]+$", None, "A number to be added")
def calc_sum(request):
    """Return the sum of the values supplied in the `num` parameter.

    res = sum(int(val) for val in request.params.get('num', []))
    return res
app = wsgiwebapi.make_application({
    'sum': calc_sum
}, autodoc='doc')

Returning JSONP

FIXME - document, and add notes on why JSONP might be a bad idea in some cases.

Unicode issues

Ideally, WSGIWebAPI would require all strings supplied to it to be unicode objects, so that users don't need to worry about character set issues. However, HTTP has various limitations on the character sets used, and it is sometimes desirable to pass through data which cannot be represented as valid unicode strings, so the API provided by WSGIWebAPI isn't quite as straightforward as this.

WSGIWebAPI allows byte string objects (ie, "str" objects in Python 2.x, "bytes" objects in Python 3.0 onwards) to be supplied in all places where a string is supplied by your application. WSGIWebAPI will also accept unicode objects in all places where a string is supplied. These unicode objects will be encoded appropriately for passing over HTTP: if this encoding is not possible due to restrictions in HTTP, an exception will be raised. In particular:

  • Status codes and the associated reason messages must only use characters which can be translated into US-ASCII.
  • For headers, the header name must also be composed of characters which can be translated into US-ASCII. The header value must currently also be composed of such characters. Note - some HTTP clients now support encoding parameter values using RFC2231, which allows arbitrary unicode values to be supplied in parameters. WSGIWebAPI doesn't yet support this.

If a unicode object is supplied for the response body, it will be converted to UTF-8 for transmission.

Extra utilities